Shafae Law

Shafae Law

Shafae Law is a boutique law firm providing comprehensive estate planning, trust, estate, probate, and trust administration services located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Estate Planning is Not for You

It’s for them—your loved ones, for those you care about.

When you are either deceased or incapacitated you obviously won’t be available to participate in the execution of your estate plan. Your estate plan is all that remains to assist in caring or providing for your loved ones or causes that you care about.

To that end, the most important aspect of an estate plan is the personal information and guidance that you provide to those who step in to execute your plan. Without that information and guidance, it could be a wild goose chase trying to piece together all the loose ends surrounding your life. The more loose ends, the more time and effort will be required to carry out your wishes.

Do your trusted agents have access to your passwords and credentials?

Our lives no longer consist solely of tangible assets. Sure, for most of us our homes are our most valuable assets. But more and more, our lives are becoming more digital and intangible–online financial accounts, cloud storage, digital photographs, social media accounts, cryptocurrency, etc. To access these digital assets, your trusted agents will need your passwords. Without them, federal privacy laws require a court order to access them. Your trusted agents require adequate time and evidence to obtain a court order. If it takes your agents too long to obtain the order, or if they lack the requisite evidence to persuade a judge to issue an order, the digital accounts may be terminated, blocked, and in some cases deleted. Even providing the PIN to your mobile device could save your agents time, expense, and a lot of expended energy.

Do your trusted agents have clear guidance on your wishes?

An estate plan allows you to document your wishes–how to handle your financial affairs, how to provide for your loved ones. But it’s only as good and thorough as the information you provide. Be sure to keep current documentation of your assets, your debts, and any specific instructions. A great place to keep this information is in your estate planning binder containing your legal documents.

Is your list of trusted agents current?

Our lives are ever changing. And so are the relationships we have with our loved ones. It’s critical that you revisit your estate planning documents to confirm that you have the most current list of trusted agents to step in when a crisis arises.

A current, detailed estate plan will allow your loved ones to step in and execute your wishes in that time of crisis. Chances are that you will be unavailable to provide any guidance or assistance when that time comes. Be sure the appropriate information is readily available for your trusted agents to minimize delays and confusion.


1500 Old County Road
Belmont, California 94002

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9AM - 5PM

☎ Contact
(650) 389-9797