Shafae Law

Shafae Law

Shafae Law is a boutique law firm providing comprehensive estate planning, trust, estate, probate, and trust administration services located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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3 Reasons Why Estate Planning is Improved When You Work With a Lawyer

Talking about death can be difficult. It’s also a bit of a downer, to put it mildly. So many of us put estate planning off as long as possible. For most people, hiring a lawyer can elicit a similar reaction. When you put the two together, it’s easy to understand why some people may want to avoid discussing their own death or incapacity altogether. Some try to address their own mortality with as little conversation as possible by creating their estate plan on their own, or by using online resources.

The following are 3 reasons why working with a lawyer can improve the estate planning experience.


A certified expert estate planning lawyer has years of training in both estate planning and tax matters. You can rely on that expertise when you ask detailed questions. They can walk you through hypothetical scenarios, tell you why some of your ideas are fantastic approaches, and maybe how some of your ideas aren’t the best way to proceed. An estate planning lawyer can provide detailed advice and counsel suited to your specific situation, knowing they are required to have your best interest in mind. You never have to wonder if their information is inaccurate or outdated, or whether they have others’ interests in mind.

Working with a lawyer creates a dynamic feedback loop. They can ask follow up questions of you when they hear an issue that you may not have even identified yourself. An estate planning professional can help identify blind spots in your thinking and help you resolve them.


Estate planning lawyers have years of experience working with other clients—both in planning, as well as administering trusts and estates of those who have died. In that experience, they can offer you a wealth of examples that worked out well, and experiences that may not have worked out as the client had intended. They bring this experience into your situation. You receive the opportunity and benefit of years of planning experience on demand. Additionally, when a crisis or issue does arise, the lawyer will be there to advise and support you or your loved ones to help you get through the crisis.

Peace of Mind

Estate planning lawyers are there to support you through this often challenging process. They can provide some levity to what may seem like a heavy topic. They can be a sounding board to inter-family dynamics. Lawyers can provide perspective and context to what can seem like a complicated or overwhelming dilemma. All the while, an estate planning professional will ensure that your documents are drafted accurately, meticulously, and effectively. You can rest assured that your estate planning documents are valid, enforceable, and can withstand any potential challenge. This peace of mind is invaluable.


1500 Old County Road
Belmont, California 94002

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9AM - 5PM

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(650) 389-9797